Bees: Exploring the Unseen

Unveiling the Beauty and Significance of Bees

Bees play a crucial role in our planet's ecosystem, influencing plant life and biodiversity. With their intricate anatomy and societal structure, they have been pollinating flowers since the age of dinosaurs.

Endangered Existence

Despite their significance, bees face numerous threats from environmental changes, climate shifts, and pesticides. Their survival is on the brink, prompting concern and action.

Exhibition: Bees: The Story of Survival

A new exhibition sheds light on these vital creatures. Employing art, sound, sculptures, and lighting, visitors gain an immersive perspective into the world of bees, from their complex physiology to the intricate workings of their colonies.

Fascinating Species on Display

Among the highlighted species are:

  • Euglossa bees (orchid bees): Important pollinators for orchids in the Americas, males emit complex scents to attract females.

  • Violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea): One of the largest bees in Europe, with distinctive purple wings and body.

  • Nomioides bees: Tiny, slender bees ranging in color from black to yellow. They pollinate a wide range of plants.

  • African carpenter bee (Xylocopa inconsstans): Native to Africa, these bees are known for their large size and loud buzzing. They build nests by boring holes in wooden structures.


Bees are indispensable for the health of our planet, yet their existence is under threat. Through immersive exhibitions and public awareness, we can appreciate their beauty, understand their importance, and protect these vital pollinators for future generations.