
Hot Water Can Freeze Faster Than Cold Water: The Mpemba Effect Explained

550 Million Year Old Strange Creature Discovered in China Offers Insight into Early Animal Evolution

The First Motorcycle: A Journey Through Time

The Risks of Eating Morning Glory: What You Need to Know

The Fate of China's Chang'e-6 Lander in the Moon's Darkness

Royal Tomb Reveals Evidence of Human Sacrifice

Moonphase: A Luxurious Feature Few Use

Ancient Drug Use: A Look Back at History's Altered States

The Dangers of Over-Sleeping: What Happens When You Get Too Much Rest?

The World's Loudest "Thunder" Jet

34,000-Year-Old Termite Mounds Discovered to Store Tons of Carbon

Solitary Brazilian Rainbow Boa Surprises With Birth of 14 Offspring

The Surprising Benefits of Lotus Heart

Unraveling the Rare 'Once-in-Two-Decades' Aurora Event in the Arctic

How to Identify Venomous and Non-venomous Snakes

Why No Mountain on Earth Can Exceed 10,000 Meters in Height

Inside the Glamorous and Strange World of Flight Attendants in the '80s

What Are the Bumps on Mulberry Leaves?

Zizhu Monastery: A 3,000-Year-Old Mystery Hanging 4,800 Meters High

What Was the Deadliest Lion Attack in Human History?

New Breakthrough in Pi's Mathematical Expression